Ah, choice!

I was watching the tail end of a PBS talk show the other evening and heard a lady, possibly a politician, tell a gentleman politician that Republicans should consider the idea that women have the right to choose. If Republicans did so, they would fare better in the next election. First, let me say that it seems that Republicans have fared fairly well lately without being pro-choice, which tells me that there are at least millions of people who agree with them. Second, it does look like the Republican party might be swinging toward the pro-choice view in the next few years. The people most often mentioned to run in 2008 are generally pro-choice to at least some degree. Third, I have asked but never received a good answer to this question, "What two (or more) things do you want to choose between?" I'm sure the answer would come back, "We wish to have the choice to do what we want with our own bodies." Sounds reasonable on the outside. I could possibly agree with you but for the fact that what you plan to do with your own body is dramatically affecting the body of someone else, and you didn't say you wanted the right to choose what to do with all bodies in your care, just your own. Are you saying that any body inside of your own has no rights of its own until birth? If that child is taken before birth without your consent, it is murder. (i.e. Scott Peterson case) If taken with your consent, it is not. That is a double standard that should be addressed. If you can comment on such a volatile issue with clarity and without high emotion, please do so. I have found that most people just resort to name calling and anger rather than calmly defining the issue and their stance.


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