
Showing posts from March, 2017

Economeeeooo 2!

     It has been 8 1/2 years since I posted my parable about the US economy. I still like it, but now I think I need to tell "the rest of the story," to quote one of the finest radio personalities I've ever had the pleasure of hearing, Paul Harvey. I need to do more than just state the problem; I need to offer a solution. Please understand that I am highly educated in economics; I took a semester or two of Economics back in college, nearly 40 years ago.      Back on the island, the situation began to get out of control. No one trusted that the leaves represented actual shiny rocks anymore. They demanded to see the shiny rocks, and even to make one-for-one trades. When the actual rock supply ran dry, we could not spend our leaves anymore, even if we offered double and triple the amount for the same item or service. The economy ground to a halt.      Then a funny thing happened. Someone came to me with a need for the one service I was really good at providing - stand-up c